Most Common Cyber attacks
Most Common Cyber Attacks/Cyber-threats
3.Password Attacks
5.Man In The Middle(MITM)
6.Drive-by Downloads
8.Rouge Software
1.Malware:- Malware is an all-encompassing term for a variety of cyber threats including trojans, viruses and worms, malware is simply defined as code with malicious intent that typically steals data or destroys some things on the computer
2.phishing:- phishing often posing as a request for data from a trusted 3rd party. Phishing attacks are sent via email and ask users to click on a link and enter the personal data, phishing emails have gotten much more sophisticated in recent years making it difficult for some people to discern a legitimate request for information from a false one phishing emails often fall into the same category as spam but are more harmful than just a simple as
3. Password attacks:- a password attack is is exactly what it sounds like a 3rd party to gain access to your system or any account by cracking a users password
4.DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service):- A DDOS attack focus on the disrupting the service of the network. a hacker send high volumes of data or traffic through the network that is making a lot of connections requests until the network becomes overloaded and can no longer function
5. Man in the Middle(MITM):- By impersonating the endpoint in online information exchange, That is the connection from your smartphone to a website the MITM attacks can obtain information from the end-users and entity he or she is communicating with
For example:- If your banking online the man in the middle would communicate with you by impersonating your bank and communicate with the bank by impersonating you the man in the middle would receive all the information transferred between both parties which could include sensitive data such as bank accounts and personal information
6. Drive-by Downloads:- Through malware on a ledge Emmett website a program is downloaded to a user system just by visiting the site it doesn't require any type of action by the user to download it actually
7.Maladvertising:- Which is a way to compromise your computer with malicious code that is downloaded to your system when you click on an effective as
8. Rouge Software:- These are basically malware that is masquerading as legitimate and necessary security software that will keep your system safe
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